Whether you are a student, academic staff, a member of the public, or a climate entrepreneur, there are many ways you can get involved in climate activities with the Grantham Institute and Imperial College London. 


Undaunted is a partnership between Imperial's Grantham Institute and The Royal Institution. It is a home for creative, proactive people exploring how innovation can help humans to mitigate and adapt to the climate crisis.

If you would like to get involved in climate innovation explore the below opportunities:

Education programmes

If you are student looking to continue your studies, or a prospective student seeking a new academic course, explore our education programmes:

If you are a current student at Imperial, you can also elect to do an I-Explore module in your second or third year of your degree (depending on your department). The module you take will be integrated into your programme  and will count for credit towards your degree. Some of these modules are climate-focused:


The Grantham Institute hosts a variety of events and seminar series, including the Changing Planet Seminar series. Visit our events page for more information. 

For students and/or academic staff

Student societies

  • Climate entrepreneurs Club (CEC) 
  • Environmental society
  • Climate Forum – the Grantham Institute's education team, together with representatives from Sustainable Imperial, holds a forum with climate and environmental student societies once a term. Even though each group has unique goals, the aim is to raise awareness of what is going on across campus as well as look at collaborative opportunities and initiatives. If you are part of a green society or initiative at Imperial and would like to join, please contact Victoria at granthameducation@imperial.ac.uk.


We welcome and encourage submissions from current PhD students or academic staff at Imperial College London to the Grantham Institute blog. You can find more information by contacting Jamie Taylor (Communications Officer for the Grantham Institute) jamie.taylor1@imperial.ac.uk.

Sustainable Imperial

Get involved with Imperial College London's university-wide strategy to make Imperial more sustainable. 

Imperial Zero Pollution

Imperial Zero Pollution is the team implementing Imperial College London's climate strategy.